Dad and I arrived in Florida a couple days ago having enjoyed a wonderful couple of days in Colorado. We did a few workshops and a performance in Durango and visited Mesa Verde to see the old Pueblo ruins and views of the Rocky Mountains.
Our amazing host Maria from Durango picked us up in New Mexico and drove us up to Colorado. At the Colorado Border we could see the brown, sage brush covered hills of New Mexico give way to the craggy snow covered mountains of Colorado:
Arriving in Durango we just had an hour or two before I led a step dance workshop and then dad and I each led music workshops. There's a great group of people in the Colorado/New Mexico border area who are interested in Scottish/Cape Breton culture and the workshops were a lot of fun!
The next morning we went out to Mesa Verde, a national park and site of pre-Pueblo Native American settlements, some of which have survived until today due to being nestled in cliff faces and hollows in the rock. The mesa itself was incredibly high up and took a long, climbing, winding drive to get there. We stopped for pictures of the incredible vistas this drive offered a few times. Here's a picture of dad taking a picture:
At the top we got a tour from a ranger of the one area that was open in the winter season, a group of buildings called "Spruce House." The picture below is from the ridge above it before we descended into the hollow to get a closer look:
On returning that afternoon to Durango we explored the downtown area and played a concert for a great audience of interested people. All in all a great couple days! Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for the next entry: Florida!
P.S. I will be posting complete photo albums on facebook so find me on there if you want to see more pictures!
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